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qui nous sommes


The Scrunchie Project is a passion fueled endeavor hoping to spread awareness of the importance of female empowerment. Being girls who are blessed with the access to quality education and opportunities, our team members wish to provide the same to girls in our community and others who might not be as fortunate. Symbolizing the strong bonds that tie us together, scrunchies are a way for girls to tie their hair back and dive right into a future of endless possibilities. We aim to support, connect and empower girls of all ages through fostering a community, raising funds, and providing educational resources. 



qui nous sommes

qui nous sommes


qui nous sommes

Join our slack workplace today to network with an international community of women, gain awareness of educational opportunities, and stay updated on events and progress! Currently, our slack has over 300 community members from 12 different countries, and advice, links, and opportunities (such as leadership positions and internships openings) are actively shared on an hourly basis! We love that girls of all ages are networking through our platform and sharing their knowledge and experiences. 

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